Public Institution "Lazdijai Tourism Information Center"

3x3 basketball tournament on the occasion of Guardian Angels (Police) Day


The traditional 3x3 basketball tournament for schoolchildren organized by the Lazdijai district police commissariat - SEPTEMBER 25 ALREADY!

The tournament is intended and organized exclusively for STUDENTS OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE LAZDIJA DISTRICT!

We are glad that the administration of Lazdiju M. Gustaitis Gymnasium and the basketball coach Ričardas Čepononis are contributing to the organization of the 3x3 basketball tournament this year as well.

We believe that this year we will get even more participants and basketball enthusiasts, so we invite the schoolchildren of Lazdija district to mark the date of the tournament in their calendars and come to the tournament, where everyone will have a great time, surprises, awards and prizes!

Let's sportily celebrate the upcoming Police Day!