Public Institution "Lazdijai Tourism Information Center"

Autumn fair of medicinal plants

Other events

At this fair, you will be able to purchase naturally grown various medicinal perennial plants, receive advice on how to grow and plant them, and how to use them.

The plants are extremely strong and will start to thrive immediately when planted in your soil. Next season they will produce abundant crops. We will have very large plants and small ones.

At the event:

Perennials: catnip, lemon catnip, tarragon, wormwood, sage, yarrow, yarrow, thyme, lemon balm, oregano, monard, mountain dashi, echinacea, rue, chives, yarrow, St. John's wort, balsamic bittersweet, yarrow.
Biennials: Sage.
Decorative to enliven greenery: woolly notras, daisies, ancient hydrangeas.
Additional soil used during plant transplanting.

Here you'll find a variety of vintage items that look great in modern interiors or your country home, and many of them are even great for household use. This antique store was a huge success at the last fair, so we did our homework and added to the range.

Here you will find goodies grown on our farm.

On Saturday, you can taste potato pancakes baked on the fire


September 20 - Friday
The fair starts at 2 p.m.
The end of the fair is at 19:00.

September 21 - Saturday
The beginning of the fair is at 10 am
The end of the fair is at 19:00.
19:00 - 21:00 – a bonfire party.

You can come with a tent. Tents are free of charge.

HOW TO FIND US: Vilke farm, Babrauninkai village, Lazdiju district. Enter "Wolf farm" in the navigation and it will lead you, and then follow the directions.
