Public Institution "Lazdijai Tourism Information Center"

Butterfly exhibition in Lazdijai. Education for elementary school students, high school students, and families

Educational activities

This is a great opportunity to look into the world of tropical butterflies of exceptional beauty, variety of colors and patterns. This is a handful of knowledge about the life cycles of butterflies, their feeding habits and the most impressive types of tropical butterflies. The opportunity to observe live butterflies very close.

The purpose of this program is to:
1. Participants experience positive emotions.
2. To see how beautiful, mystical and fragile the life of a butterfly is.
3. To learn and see where and how butterflies appear.
4. Learn how to handle fragile, small animals.
5. To believe in miracles and in yourself.

Participants see butterflies and all butterfly stages (eggs, caterpillars, pupae, cocoons) not in a picture or on a screen, but live. Children from 2 to 8 years old engage in a game that makes it easier to remember where and how butterflies come from. Children learn about the special feeding habits of butterflies and their caterpillars, their life span, hear the names of butterflies and legends about butterflies.

Explores the cocoon, butterfly wings, sees how butterflies eat, how many legs they have and what they look like, and what they are for. Butterflies - record holders - are presented during the event.

Older students have the opportunity to:

examine a butterfly under a microscope,
learn the intricacies of butterfly reproduction,
find out when butterflies appeared
how butterflies are named and who names them,
find a certain type of butterfly,
perform an experiment with a butterfly wing and many more possibilities.
Children are encouraged to protect nature, to be careful with butterflies and other animals.

At the end of the program, each participant has the opportunity to hold an orange with a butterfly perched on it and tell it their wish. After all, butterflies fulfill wishes!