Public Institution "Lazdijai Tourism Information Center"

Joint concert of bards in Kapčiamiestis


Kapčiamiestis leisure hall
Taikos str. 11, Kapčiamiestis

October 16 18.00

SAL, Ireland
Lily Lucas, France
Šarūnas Mačiulis, Lithuania

The ticket price is 10 EUR.
Tickets are distributed in Kapčiamiestis leisure hall and Kapčiamiestis library

XXI International Singing Poetry Festival "This is me"
The international singing poetry festival "This is me" has been held since 2003. - has already created his own legend and annually attracts a large crowd of fans of the original song genre. Cozy evenings, meaningful lyrics of the artists' songs, inventive musical compositions win the sincere sympathy of the listeners.
"Tai - aš" is the strength of the musical community, a stage for young songwriters and performers, concert crews traveling around Lithuanian cities and towns, performances by Lithuanian and foreign artists for children and non-children, and cozy nights of original creations until dawn. If it's all about you, say, "It's me!"
More information about the festival at

The festival is partially financed by Vilnius city municipality.
Partner countries of the festival: French Institute in Lithuania, Irish Embassy.