Public Institution "Lazdijai Tourism Information Center"

Opening of the exhibition "Border women" and "Border men".


We invite you to the opening of the exhibition "Border women" and "Border men".

Lazdijai Regional Museum on September 13 at 4 p.m. In the city of Lazdija, in Adolfos Ramanauskas-Vanagas Square, the exhibition "Border women" and "Border men" will be presented.

The exhibition was prepared together with the Suwalki regional and Alytus local history museums in the implementation of the project "Border roads to the infinity of memories". It will present the most prominent people of these three municipalities participating in the project.

During the project, other joint activities of all three partners are planned: a fashion week in Suwalki in July, a wedding of a Dzuk and a Polish woman in Lazdijai in September, a singing poetry evening and a final conference in 2025. in February in Alytus.