Public Institution "Lazdijai Tourism Information Center"

Presentation of the book "Humofreskos" by Algimantas Mikelionis


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"Humofreskos" by the writer Aidas Kelionis - a selection of humorous miniatures and humoresques covering the author's rather short creative path. The contemporary's texts in this book reach for the best renaissance traditions of François Rabelais' culture of laughter and trace trajectories to the repertoire of the "living classics" of the Lithuanian writer Juoz Erlick. A. Kelionis takes over the baton, adding to the dowry of our humorous literature with such texts, which are particularly strongly expressed in the poetics of paradox and pun "Humofreskos ” there is also a lack of social themes, which do not allow us to forget how sensitive, fragile and protected the society is. A. Kelionis is ironic and invites the reader on a journey through such a reality, the unevenness of which can only be smoothed out by laughter. Absurdity and its threats simply capitulate before the sharp pen and smile of the author of "Humofresks".
Ramūnas Čičelis, literary scholar