You can taste Lithuanian dishes in the cafe. Pre-orders are accepted for take-out or you can order to a location of your choice. Banquets are being prepared, the hall can accommodate 20 people. There is a separate daily menu on weekdays. A mournful lunch can be ordered.
Since July 3, 2014, the buckwheat babkas, herds and whistles of R. Pyplios IĮ "Slenkstis" have been certified with the National Heritage Product Certificate:
On weekends, the cafe is open by appointment only.
Norim iš visos širdies padėkoti Jūsų Kavinės personalui. Maistas buvo labai šviežias ir skanus. Patiekalų asortimento pasirinkimas didelis ir gausus. Aptarnavimas superinis.
Mielai tų grikinių bandų Šeštokuose paragaučiau. Bet tai, kad nedirba savaitgalį