Rise above Dusia
Route length ~ 11 km
For those for whom short footpaths are no longer enough, Metelii Regional Park has prepared a ~ 11 km long route "Rise above Dusios" (when visiting objects, the length of the route can reach ~ 14 km). The route is marked on the google map. The central part of the route passes through the Žagarii geomorphological reserve, which is designed to preserve the area formed by the edge of the glacier with steep steep hills. The Dzūkija hills are not the Alps, but it is worth wandering around them. The culmination of the route is the impressive panorama of Lake Dusia. This observation point is 43 meters above the surface of the lake.
Read more https://www.lazdijai-turizmas.lt/naujienos/marsrutas-pakilk-virs-dusios/
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