Ludvikas Lazaris Zamenhofas (1859–1917), the creator of the Esperanto language, lived in Veisiejai since 1885. He was born in Białystok, in the family of a Lithuanian Jewish (Lithvak) teacher of foreign languages. While studying at the gymnasium, he diligently studied foreign languages, he learned as many as 12 foreign languages. When he graduated from high school, he created the first international language project, but his father did not approve of LLZamenhof's choice - he burned the manuscript of the language project and sent him to study medicine. After completing his studies in Moscow and Warsaw, Ludvikas came to live with his sister's husband in Veisiej. In Veiseije, LL Zamenhof practiced as a doctor and restored the Esperanto language manuscript. Therefore, Veisieja is rightfully considered the birthplace of the Esperanto language.
