Public Institution "Lazdijai Tourism Information Center"

Albino Jarmala Calendar Museum


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A. Jarmala's private calendar museum is located in his homestead in Veisiejai, on the shores of the picturesque shore of Lake Ančia. The museum has over 4,000 exhibits. More interesting calendars collected from various countries of the world or exotic corners of the Earth are published. The museum also has space for Lazdijai region calendars and Geography calendars, which were composed of experts from Lazdijai district teachers - Jonas Malinauskas from Lazdijai and Albinas Jarmala, the founder of this calendar museum.

The calendar museum can be visited by prior arrangement by phone.

Admission to the Calendar Museum is free.


  • Žy

    Teko pabuvoti šiame muziejuje, labai patiko! Gausi ir įvairi kalendorių kolekcija, kur kiekvienas gali rasti ką nors įdomaus. Visiems rekomenduoju aplankyti! Išskirtiniai eksponatai ir nuoširdūs muziejaus įkūrėjo pasakojimai nepaliks abejingų.