Public Institution "Lazdijai Tourism Information Center"

Sculpture "Tree of Songs"


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In the city of Lazdijai, there are new signs giving meaning to the history of the region: on the first day of the Border fiesta, the sculpture "Tree of Songs" was ceremonially unveiled in the courtyard of the Lazdijai Cultural Center, symbolically reminding the importance of the Song Festival in the culture of our country and nation. It is dedicated to commemorating the centenary of the Song Festival celebrated in Lithuania this year.

When the "Song Tree" was unveiled, a special, multifaceted view of the sculpture opened before the eyes of those gathered: a stylized hazel tree with flowers and nuts was cut out on one of the sculpture's panels, symbolizing all generations of the Lazdija region, united by the history of the Song Festival. Other motifs of the sculpture tell about the eternal circle of life, the eternal song of the Lithuanian nation, and the motifs of the carvings intertwine the symbolism of the city of Lazdijai and the hazel tree. The sculpture commemorates the centenary occasion of the Lithuanian Song Festival, which is important for the whole country, and the long-term activities of cultural nurturers in the Lazdija region.

The sculpture was consecrated by Nerijus Žvirblys, dean of Lazdijai deanery, after inviting everyone to a joint prayer.

"I thank everyone who nurtures love for the nation's culture and gives meaning to history with significant works. It is symbolic that the sculpture unveiled here today, at the Lazdijai Cultural Port, testifies that culture is a priority in our region. And where special attention is paid to culture, everyone can feel calm and safe", said Ausma Miškinienė, mayor of the district municipality.

Juozas Mikutavičius, the former long-time head of the Lazdijai district culture department, long-time organizer of Lithuanian song festivals, came to the Border fiesta. After giving a congratulatory speech at the ceremony of unveiling the sculpture, he recalled the long cultural history of Lazdijai - the first choirs and their leaders, who had to participate in the first Lithuanian song festivals, as well as the cultural workers who later worked and are still working in this region, thanks to which a high level of culture was achieved.

We would like to remind you that the authors of the idea of the sculpture are the director of Lazdijai Cultural Center Arūnas Sujeta and the graphic designer Ieva Vaivaraitė-Ošikienė. Danutė and Petras Jurkevičiai, honorary citizens of the municipality of Lazdijai district, provided financing for the production of the "Tree of Songs" sculpture.

