Public Institution "Lazdijai Tourism Information Center"

The grave of Lithuanian partisan Jurgis Kučinskas-Apuokas

The struggle for freedom

Jurgis Kučinskas- Apuokas, g. 1924, Rūdelė village, Kalvarijas vlsč., dab. Kalvarija week. Left partisanship in 1945. He could make documents and live legally, but his parents wanted their son to become a defender of the homeland. Partisan of the 4th (Ėuolo) company of the Tauro district Vytautas national team. Died in 1946 January 24 In the homestead of resident Vincas Vinickas, Rūdelė village, Kalvarijas vlasč. After the fighting, he was buried in the village of Rudelė. in the cemetery, Punsko vlsč., Seinų district, 1946 May. secretly reburied in Rudamina cemetery. There is a tombstone.

Information and photos from the Department of Cultural Heritage at the website of the Ministry of Culture ; The object's unique code is 47307 of the Register of Real Estate Cultural Values



